Wednesday, October 21, 2009

An iMovie book

I had a chance to borrow this book for a couple of weeks while in the US. It's well written and clear and has the information I want. The first chapter consists of advice on things to look for and things to avoid when buying video cameras (notice avoidance of the word c--c--d-r). There's also a section on the practical basics of making movies. And then the greater part is about iMovie.

I'd tried iMovie before and got tied up in knots, this book makes it easy so I had no hesitation in buying it. A bonus with purchase is access to the free online edition which seems to me a much better deal than Kindle.

P.S. 26.12.2009 -- it's not such a good deal after all. You are required to sign up and give a pile of information, and then the online version is available to you for a limited time only, I think it's a month but can't remember exactly. I declined the deal and was annoyed by it.

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