Sunday, December 27, 2009

Buy cheap, buy twice

. . . so they say about camera equipment. Might be true too. My camera is fine, I like it, it's light and nifty and easy to operate. BUT in spite of being HD the resolution is low, which is noticeable in still images -- my point-and-click is better. Something to do with the sensor. I'm not planning to buy twice, I had the choice and chose to go with a lower cost model. The other one was twice as expensive and I couldn't justify it at the time. But I'm still annoyed with myself because I didn't realize the resolution would be low.

Cinderella is coming along, I did a few drawings over Christmas. Will be aiming to finish that before the end of the week. Especially as I've hit a wall in painting. Time to pick up Digital Film again, and Printmaking.

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